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1st Stakeholders’ Workshop
October, 6 2023

In a significant stride towards fostering collaboration and innovation, the first stakeholders’ workshop for AENEAS was successfully held in Valencia on the 6th October 2023. The workshop served as a crucial platform for key stakeholders to converge, exchange ideas, and lay the groundwork for the project's future endeavours. During the workshop, esteemed experts, including colleagues from Zero-emission waterborne transport partnership (ZEWT), EU project SEABAT, Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and Maritime Battery Forum (MBF), shared their profound knowledge and expertise on diverse topics.


The event, organized by SOERMAR and hosted by Fundaction Valenciaport, saw the participation of diverse stakeholders. The vibrant city of Valencia provided an ideal backdrop for the gathering, enhancing the overall atmosphere of collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

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